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Home » ความรู้เรื่อง GI » RuneScape hasn't been around for more than 20 year

ความรู้เรื่อง GI
23/9/2565 8:52:39

Posts: 3
Is RuneScape worth it in OSRS gold 2022?

RuneScape hasn't been around for more than 20 years because it's an average game that does not have any commitments in the long term. As an MMORPG it's part of a genre that seems to be constantly close to extinction in spite of the popularity of a select few games.

And, as we move into the 21st year of RuneScape's existence is it still the most popular MMORPG that is free to play? Is it worthy of the cost of a premium membership? In other words... Is RuneScape worth the time to play in the 2022's and future? Let's take a closer look...

Indeed, RuneScape is still as popular as ever with well over 100,000 players online during peak hours of the morning. More than 250 million account accounts were made in the last 20 years and , while some may be no longer active, a huge part of them are operating.

The attraction of RuneScape is unique in that there's not a single characteristic it has that could be considered the main factor behind its popularity. It is possible to thrive and live on trade skills like Mining & Smithing. Be a master at gathering through a course in Woodcutting and Fishing, or become one of Gielinor's most famous heroes , and complete 100's of quests.

This freedom is cheap RS gold a huge appeal and despite being such an established game, the story is rather easy to learn about no matter your time of joining. Plenty of the in-game Quests are short stories that are scattered throughout the world , and don't connect to any overarching tales of lore.
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