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Home » ความรู้เรื่อง GI » Running and hiding from mmogo

ความรู้เรื่อง GI
25/3/2562 16:51:45

Posts: 3
He defining mechanic of the Zone is Rogue Agents' presence. Some players run about and do The Division 2 Boosting their own items, or just will work as allies with you. Others may choose to act against you and play as Rogue Agents. Players can go Rogue at any time, and can and will kill you to your loot, which makes them the biggest threats found in the Zone. Advertisement

Going Rogue is a conscious choice a player make throughout the menu, meaning casual friendly fire (or other players expecting to make you go Rogue by jumping into the line of fire) won't mark you. However, hacking at terminals, stealing other gamers' extractions in the zipline, and breaking any chests open, will probably be enough to push you.

The Manhunt system returns from the first match, where Rogues will be highlighted on the map for brokers that are non-Rogue to target. A new level has been added in the kind of the Disavowed Agent. All these are Rogues who've killed other players, and are indicated for non-Rogues to receive their retribution, but not enough to trigger a complete Manhunted Rogue state.

Running and hiding from the other players is a strategy should you want to shed your Rogue standing there are also other ways to both lose and maintain the standing for rewards. Locating a Manhunt terminal gives you the option of returning to a non-Rogue condition, or hacking on it and increasing your own time together with the promise of better loot should you survive it.

Rogues aren't just about senseless violence as the debut of the Thieves' Den gives anyone who chooses to become awful something to work towards. The Thieves' Den is a distinctive hideout for players who commit enough extra-curricular activities within a limited time, rewarding adventuresome playing over just camping and waiting for the close of the timer.

You will want to complete a set of challenges to triangulate its place, to access the Den. The simplest method is through hacking SHD terminals (like the one at the end of this tutorial mission) or stealing Dark Zone chests.
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