30/3/2559 12:36:40
 Boser Posts: 1
Blade and Soul - a very popular brand finally making it to the mobile device. Would you think an MMORPG as famous as this one would be taking the easy route with a card based system. Not taking away from the fantastic display of a mobile game, I would have expected a more open world feel rather than a card based clone of Bleach Brave Souls. Sure... at least in Bleach you at least have free control over your units, rather in Blade and Soul you're set in a 5v5 (max) card based battle. The way farming Blade & Soul gold is different compared to PC game.
The battle system is actually fun when you get past the futile attempt at creativity. If you ever played any if the Telltale Games Series “The Wolf among us”, you can kind of understand that interactive and automatic mechanic. The cards seem to Auto attack as they generate energy for ability usage, you also can combo or dodge by tapping on the interactive combat pop-ups. These pop-ups are what changes this game for the meta, and haven't seen from very many mobile games. The fact that you get to customize your deck, upgrade your cards, and equip them with armor and weapons - does allow you that RPG feel you need. But... the game in the long run, might be disappointing to some, being that it doesn't pull very far away from the Mobile MMO(Cardbased)RPG meta.
As you see and in two screen shots below the first chest that I opened was based solely off the gold earned. The basic card that I got was a one star and after drawing a few more one star characters a two star was the highest I was able to achieve after six draws. Using diamonds, I was able to achieve a 3 star character on the first try. On the second try I also got a 3 star and didn't want to spend anymore. Wasting two purchases for two - 3 star cards was not worth it, meaning the current value of this game is low.
Grinding in quests at low levels only gives you low-level equipment and weapons. Grinding quests for 2 hours staright, only reaped me common equipment and weapons. I'm not sure if this will change at higher levels but as of right now the current quests aren't worth the grind. Since all three categories seem to be rated at low, at this point this game doesn't seem to be a pay-to-win, but It's definitely geared to make money from in store purchases.
Blade & Soul was smart in this regard: An easy PVP battle system. With only a 5 card deck, focusing on live combat and creating combos is the primary focus in PvP. They managed to take the standard trading card game, and implement what Yu Gi Oh try to do so hard. They placed the player into the deck, making you a vital part of the gameplay - instead of relying on card strength.
Of course we still can't deviate from our famous leaderboard, but I'm not sure how else to setup ranking in a card based system without the delegation of points. Aside from the fact that it's a clone, matchmaking is quick and combat intuitive that Blade and Soul: Mobile has become one of my favorite mobile games.
Sometimes playing Hearthstone gets a little monotonous, and I want a break but still stick to the genre - so I can work on strategy. Turn-based games require the most thought - Blade and Soul added a combo and live action mechanic to this concept. Although, first done perfectly through Telltale games, Blade and Soul: Mobile knocked it out of the park. With its release only being in China, I expect a few updates to be made before the global launch. Which shouldn't be too many, sonce it seems pretty flawlessly polished.
The artwork seem traditional, with a cartoon flair. The framerate and battlesystem are great, and I have yet to find any bugs. Because Bleach: Brave Souls launched months prior, Blade and Soul had sometime to catch up. Its sad, the this is only how far they have got. But with thay being said, I look forward to the updates and will continue to play this game.
For more information, please go to http://www.bladesoulgold.net
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